Why Play Classic?

Why Play Classic?
Becoming Classic
Classic Winners History
The Money Lists


Classic League exists for a variety of valid reasons.
1. You don't have to call to book your tee-off time.
2. You can invest $2.00 and easily double your investment.
3. You get to meet and interact with other Golf Club members you may otherwise never get to meet.
4. You may get to ride in a cart when you usually have to walk.
5. You just plain have fun.
6. An excuse for raisin your spirits.
7. A way to get plum tuckered out.

The Rules
1. Teams are made by random draw.
2. You use a valid Classic handicap determined by past Classic Performance.
3. You are allowed to nudge.. that is, NUDGE the ball. A 4-6 foot nudge from behind a tree or out of a hazard is not a nudge.
4. Out of Bounds requires a drop where the ball went OB and a 1 stroke penalty....same for a lost ball in a hazard.
5. A Gimme is allowed when the ball lies completely within the leathers of a standard putter, not the complete length of the putter .. or the collective lengths of the team's putters.
6. A putt missed for a par is not an automatic bogey.

A frustrated Classic: "Think I'm going to drown myself in the lake."
Classic Partner: "Think you can keep your head down that long?"
